Wednesday, 30 January 2019

AJD tax may have caused reduced loans in November

November Mortgages in Spain figures.

Whilst year on year loan levels are up in Spain in terms of all areas including numbers of, capital lent and average loan size, November figures dipped against Octobers by more than is normal.

Spanish Banks delayed completions.

Many Spanish Banks held off mortgage applications in November until their was clarity on whether they would pick up mortgage deed tax or not and this will have affected levels of completions.

Fixed rate product types now more readily available

 Interest rates remain low and fixed rates as a mortgage type now make up around 39% of all completions. This is a year on year increase of 18%.

New loan regulation due out 2019.

Mortgages in Spain due to new loan regulation due out which will put further pressure on margins are now really offered on a standard basis with lenders assessing the total risk and profitability based on client fiscal strength, loan to values and contracted products.

For borrowers going forward many of the set up costs will be picked up the Banks in Spain and for now some are making changes already whilst others prefer to wait until it is obligatory.

Positive addition to mortgage books.

For a few months now the net outflow from loan books has been stemmed with November despite its slightly lower figures still providing a new inflow.

Annually all regions except Murcia are seeing a much better year than 2018 which in turn saw big increases over 2017.

Read the full article :- Mortgage deed tax affects loan completions.

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

2018 mortgage performance to date

October loan figures.

October loan levels in Spain showed a small decrease over September of 2018 but good increases when compared to the same month of the previous year.

Mortgages in Spain grew yearly by 20.4%

Interest rates

Interest rates remain low although we may see some upward movement when December data is published due to the Spanish Banks raising rates after being forced to pick up mortgage deed tax costs.

Bespoke mortgage applications

New mortgage regulation will be issued in 2019 and some lenders in anticipation of the canes are starting to drop charging any fees related to the loan set up for premium clients.

Linked to this are compulsory products and very tight debt to income ratios along with ,minimum net earning requirements but more and more lenders in Spain are looking to tailor product terms to the fiscal quality and risk profile of the applicant.

Net loan inflows in October

More new home loans completed in the month of October than were redeemed giving a second month of net inflows.

Read the full article :- Mortgage performance for October