Financing a Spanish Holiday home
With everything that is going on at present many people are delaying the decision to buy a holiday home in Spain due to travel restrictions and financial uncertainty. Are Mortgages in Spain being offered at present.
All nationalities considered
for those who are part of the EU and not affected by Brexit and even for British clients who are there remains however a desire to buy a home abroad when COVID restrictions are lifted. Whilst it may not be possible to select a home at present it is possible to prepare for when that is possible by understanding what lending facilities are available to you and what sort of budget you may be looking at.
With many Dutch, Scandinavian, German, US and British non residents of Spain just postponing rather than cancelling a decision to buy and possibly having time on their hands Spanish Banks are still pre-approving mortgage applications ready for when the market moves.
Good time to do finance homework
Now is a good time to do your homework and appoint a reputable and regulated mortgage adviser to negotiate financing in Spain on your behalf.
Types of property loans in Spain
Buying choices are changing away form apartments to country homes, more individual properties or the purchase of land and self build constructions. Find out what you need to know now about Mortgage in Spain options for finance and any limitations there may be.
Read the full article : - Time to arrange a Spanish Mortgage